Antenatal and Postnatal Care
Antenatal care is shared between midwives and hospital consultants. Clinics are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please make an appointment with the midwife when your pregnancy is confirmed.
Child Health Surveillance
Children under five years are seen regularly by the doctor and/or health visitor for routine development checks. Your health visitor will advise you when to attend or you will receive an appointment by post.
Smoking Cessation
Please attend your local pharmacy where you will receive counselling and nicotine replacement therapy, if appropriate.
Clinics, with a GP, practice nurse and dietitian, are held on Wednesday afternoons and you will be invited to attend if appropriate. The clinic concentrates on Type 2 diabetes (diabetics who are on tablets rather than insulin). Other diabetic patients will be seen if required.
Hypertension (Blood Pressure)
You should have your BP checked every year, especially if you are over 40. Please arrange an appointment with the practice nurse for a BP check and health/lifestyle advice.
Asthma and COPD
This clinic is run by our practice nurses and provides regular checks on lung function, inhaler technique and medication.
Drug Monitoring
Please attend the Treatment Room for your blood test and contact the practice at least 2 working days following for the result.
Cervical Cytology and Well Woman
Every woman between the age of 25 and 49 should have a cervical smear every three years. Women aged 50-64 should have a smear every five years. The smear tests pick up minor abnormalities which can be easily treated and so help reduce the risk of cancer developing. The practice nurse offers several clinics each week. An appointment can be arranged at reception.
Well Man
There is no specific clinic but if you have concerns about your health, please make an appointment for your GP, practice nurse or treatment room nurse.
Minor Surgery
We perform joint and soft tissue injections by appointment and a wart clinic. Please ask at Reception.
Family Planning
A clinic is run for the insertion of IUCD (coil) and contraceptive implants/injections. Oral contraception and depo-provera can be obtained at a routine appointment with a nurse or GP.
Travel Clinic
A travel clinic is available at Monklands Hospital – See the Helpful Links at the bottom of the page. The Practice does not prescribe Benzodiazepines (e.g. Diazepam) for flying-related anxiety.
Treatment Room Service
A nurse is present 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 9.00am – 12noon on a Wednesday in our twin bay Treatment Room. The nurse carries out dressings, treatment of minor injuries, injections, blood tests etc.
X-ray and Physiotherapy
X-Rays are available at Wishaw General Hospital. Physiotherapy is a self-referral service.