General information
To give you the care you need, we keep information about your visit to the surgery. This information contains your personal details such as name, date of birth and address. We also keep information about your health from our own observation and investigations and all correspondence from other health care providers whom you have visited. We share this information with other health care organisations when we refer you to them for further care at your request. We also need to use your personal information to improve our services and to check that they are up to date.
Emergency Care Summary
The Emergency Care Summary (ECS) is a summary of basic information about you and your health, which might be important if you need urgent medical care. When the surgery is closed, or when you go to an accident and emergency department, it means that all NHS staff looking after you can get important information about your health, even if they cannot contact your surgery. This summary contains your personal details, information about any medicines prescribed at your surgery and any bad reactions you have had to any medicines that is recorded on our system.
For more information about the Emergency Care Summary or electronic health records, phone the NHS Inform helpline on 0800 22 44 88.
You have a right to withhold any information about you leaving our surgery. Please discuss this with your GP first before taking any action.