Useful telephone numbers
NHS 24: 111
Airbles Road Centre: 01698 261331
Glasgow Royal Infirmary: 0141 211 3000
Hairmyres Hospital: 01355 585000
Wishaw General Hospital: 01698 361100
Monklands Hospital: 01236 748748
Royal Hospital for Sick Children: 0141 201 0000
Southern General Hospital: 0141 201 1100
Stonehouse Hospital: 01698 794000
Western Infirmary: 0141 211 2000
Alcoholics Anonymous: 08457 697666
Al-anon (for relatives): (020) 7403 0888
Citizens Advice Bureau: 01698 251981
Aids Information Helpline: 0800 567123
Rape Crisis Centre: 0141 221 8448
Police: 101 for routine call; 999 for emergency
Samaritans: 01698 429411
Social Work (Motherwell): 01698 332100
(Wishaw): 01698 358214
Registrar (Motherwell): 01698 266166 (Wishaw): 01698 374679
Lanarkshire Health Board: 01698 281313
Local Health Council: 01698 258188
Cruse (Bereavement Support): 0141 248 2199
Crossline (Confidential Christian Helpline): 01698 259000
Useful websites
There is a lot of very good and useful information on the internet but there is also a lot of rubbish. A selection of useful websites can be found at the bottom of this and every page of our website in ‘Helpful Links’